Uni Isn't For Everyone, Is It?

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Monday, September 29, 2014
Hey guys,

I wanted to talk about something a little more serious and at the moment, with my college career coming to an end,  going to university is a big decision i have to start thinking about.

I have been a college student for 3 years now, (this year being my fourth!) I found it very hard to settle for one particular career path as i didn't know what i wanted to do as a career. I also didn't get very good grades in secondary school so m options were limited.

As well as not having the criteria required for most college courses, My self- confidence was very lo, this meant i found it particular hard to find something i felt i was good at.

My decision after secondary school lead me to do a basic hair and beauty course. As much as i love makeup and hair styling, I really didn't enjoy the environment of this industry. I felt the other students were clear in there ideas for what jobs they wanted and this intimidated me. As much as i tried, I couldn't stick out the whole year and left a few months before the course ended. Looking back now It probably would have benefited me if i stayed, purely to gain that certificate.

The next year i decided to retake some of m GCSE's as i knew it would give me a wider range of course choices, as well as to allow me to have the option of going to university. I chose to do maths, English literature, English language, media studies and humanities. Throughout all of this i was still struggling with my own personal issues with confidence, e.t.c. Around half way through the year long course, I finally decided i had pushed my own very small limits and had to drop media studies. I also feel my issues meat my grades at the end of the course were lower then i was capable of getting.

However, i Soldiered on and wanted to do one last course before i turned 19 and college was no longer free. The course I chose, ( and still currently on) was an art and design course which is 2 years long. I chose to do an art course as i knew i enjoyed all aspects of art and this was one the subject i did do well in at school. 

I have already completed the first year and have just started my second year. This year, our main focus is preparing a good, quality portfolio for future employers and university interviews. My teacher are very keen for us all to apply for universities. Although I really love the idea of finally having the chance to go to university, i really don't know if its something I would enjoy, or even be capable of. 

I have worked really hard on this course, much harder than any other, or even when i was at school. However, im still uncertain of my future and what career path interests me the most. Maybe i will know closer to the time of applying when its something for me or not. But, for now, I think its OK to not know, and perhaps it means that when i finally do know, that it will be something amazing.

Are any of you applying to uni this year? If so i would love to hear about it!

8 comments on "Uni Isn't For Everyone, Is It?"
  1. aww thanks, that's so sweet! defo, I'll check out your blog now x

  2. Hey sweetie i've nominated you for the one lovely blog award :) check it out on my blog :) xxx


    1. Wow thanks! :) i will check it out now xx

  3. Nice post, Taylor :) . In a couple of weeks I'm starting my second semester at college and I'm still not sure if this career (International Business Administration) is what I really want to follow; I mean, it's ok, although it is a bit difficult, but I would really like to study Literature or something Art related.


    1. Aw thanks :), I think all those courses sound amazing! If your still unsure if you want to carry on the course you are doing though, i would reccomend that you look into them some more and maybe ask some students doing the course if they enjoy it and if they would reccomend it :) xx

  4. This is such a great post! I am also not sure of what I want to do for a career...but reading your post made me feel a little better :) thank you!

  5. I've just graduated!

    I actually did a year out before I started uni as I couldn't decide quite what or where was best for me. To be honest though uni was the best decision of my life and I'm SO glad I went.
    ❤️ Fran - www.frannymac.com xx


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