Freckles are common in many people, particularly those born with fair complexion. These spots are quite harmless and pose no health risk, unless they’re as a result of other diseases, such as neurofibromatosis and xeroderma pigmentosum. To some, freckles might be a thing of beauty. However, if you’re one of those people annoyed by these spots, then there’s a natural remedy out there. In this article I discuss the natural ways of getting rid of freckles in the comfort of your home.
Freckles result from melanin build-up, a skin pigment that’s overproduced upon exposure to sunlight. Try staying away from the sun as much as possible. You can choose to wear wide-brimmed hats, preferably 6 inches wide or more. Apply sunscreens having a sun protection factor (SPF) of 50. You can choose to wear sun-protective clothing, such as long sleeves and long pants. Always try to avoid the peak sun hours, which is mainly from 10 a.m to around 4 p.m.
Lemon juice is an effective treatment for various skin conditions, and freckles are no exception. The juice works deep to lighten the spots. It’s applied by tapping with a finger on the affected areas. Application should be done at least twice a day extending to a couple of weeks for better results.
You can choose to use vegetable and fruit masks, a method that’s proven to lighten the freckles. Apart from being an effective natural remedy for freckles, fruit masks help keep your skin more fresh and softer.
The working of sour milk is similar to that of lemon juice as both of them are sour. Application is done on the affected area and repeated on a daily basis. Results can be seen after a few weeks of application.
Bleaching is a proven method of eliminating freckles. This can be induced with a mixture of baking soda and water. The mixture is massaged on the affected area and left for 3-5 weeks. Application is done for a week on a daily basis. With each application, the freckles become lighter until the spots disappear completely. Application should be ceased and other alternatives used in case you experience skin irritation.
The sulfur content in onion makes it a great exfoliator that removes freckles and brown spots. In application, the onion is sliced into small pieces and rubbed on the affected area. Repeat twice on a daily basis and continue until the freckles fade away.
Honey contains enzymes that work to lighten the skin pigmentation. Before application, it’s mixed with water and heated slightly in a microwave. The mixture is applied to the target area and left to sit for a few minutes prior to rinsing with warm water. Apart from getting rid of the spots, honey provides great moisturizing effect, thanks to the fact that it’s a natural humectant.
When applied, natural whitening creams make the freckles unnoticeable. However, be sure to use a quality cream and remember to consult a skin expert before use.
These home remedies for freckles won’t cost you a penny and have been proven to work. They’re a great way of retaining your natural complexion without the fear of any side effects.
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